Welcome To Hester's Family Farm
Hester's Family Farm is a small breeding farm that focuses on family. We have raised a variety of animals through the years that have been based on our interests and those of our children. As we have continued to work hard in preserving sweet and gentle animals, with wonderful homesteading abilities, we fell in love with Nigerian Dwarf goats. When we met these sweet little dairy goats in 2012, we knew they would be a fantastic addition to our farm. Registered ADGA and AGS Nigerian Dwarf goats, with good dairy genetics and conformation, were what we sought for our breeding program. Now, you too can also acquire quality ADGA Nigerian Dwarf goats to add to your breeding, showing and milking programs. We can provide you with the possibilities of the goats being polled, having blue eyes, and having moon spots.
Blessings on the homestead have also grown to include us raising quality, pedigreed New Zealand rabbits since 2013. New Zealand rabbits are a gentle breed of rabbit. They are excellent to show in 4H and open shows. They make wonderful family pets. They also grow out reasonably quick as a healthy meat alternative.
We sourced a dedicated breeder of the critically endangered Ancona waterfowl in 2009. Our Ancona ducklings were shipped to us at a day old, to be raised and join the family here, early in 2010. Finding quality breeders of our Ancona waterfowl was a priority for us. As we have been blessed with the ability to enjoy the quality of these feathered family members, we afford others the opportunity to also own and enjoy this wonderful breed. We offer Ancona hatching eggs and Ancona ducklings for sale in the spring. It is always peaceful to look out and see our Ancona waterfowl foraging around the farm and swimming in our pond.
If you are looking for quality stock for 4-H, showing, breeding program or homesteading you have found a quality breeder to make your next purchase. We focus on raising proven genetics and quality registered ADGA Nigerian Dwarf goats, critically endangered Ancona waterfowl and pedigreed New Zealand rabbits.
Information about our stock will be listed under each tab you click on. Take a look around and check us out! The Hesters welcome you to come and visit our wonderful herd. We are conveniently located mid-way between Dayton and Cincinnati Ohio, with easy access from I-71, I-75, and I-275.
We are blessed to own beautiful, gentle, sweet and loving miniature donkeys. We just love our miniature donkeys and invite you to join us in the wonderful world of long ears. We will have some available from time to time.
Hester's Family Farm
Carla & Greg Hester
Morrow, OH 45152